Case Studies

Clearing the Way
Transmission Line Initial Clearing     2013-2019

In 2013, Ace Vegetation was contracted to clear and create access for major portions of a large transmission line in central Alberta.

We approached the project with a comprehensive project assessment, reviewing site plans and preparing different options. To mitigate concerns about tree removal, we offered the project team several project options that were both efficient and environmentally responsible.

To meet the needs of the project we employed additional qualified staff and utilized local subcontractors. Our objective was to be flexible, observant, and willing to work with our client by listening to concerns, making recommendations, and providing project updates. With a solid leader at the helm, we built an army of loggers, mulchers, slashers, and weed control sprayers to help clear the way to allow for the installation and stringing of the new powerline structures.

Thanks to excellent leadership, careful planning, clear communication, and quick-thinking employees, the project was a success. The right of way was prepared for access and construction and by managing the vegetation, we can ensure sustainable maintenance costs into the future.

Far North Powerline Maintenance
Power Line Re-Clearing     2014-2024

From Newfoundland to Nootka Island and from dense forests to mountains to busy cities, ACE is experienced in a wide range of terrain. In 2014, we found ourselves in one of the most remote locations yet—the rugged and formidable Yukon. We were tasked to re-clear a power line in a remote location 2,400 km from the ACE main base, and eight hours outside of Whitehorse. In addition to managing wildlife risks such as migratory bird nests and numerous bears, our crew worked independently in unforgiving mountain conditions.

Steep slopes, ravines and dense brush created accessibility issues in the isolated site, while volcanic soil posed a threat to the equipment. Despite the plethora of challenges, ACE was well prepared to mulch, slash, and remove hazardous trees from the work site.

Our leadership was critical to the operations, and our employees were ready to change gears in potentially unforgiving territory. ACE has been successfully clearing the power lines with careful consideration of the flora and fauna who call the Yukon home for the last 10 years.

Regulated Weed Management
Blueweed Removal     2007-2017

It’s pretty. It can be toxic. It’s tenacious and it’s hard to kill. Blueweed is one of Alberta’s more invasive plant species, and its infestations can create serious economic losses. With the ability to adapt to dry rocky or shallow soils, and with a tap root reaching up to 2 feet deep, it is one tough weed. Moreover, the leaves and stems are covered with bristles which impedes the absorption of herbicides. Spread by wind, erosion and wildlife, seeds can easily be dispersed over a large area. Over the past decade, landowners in the Crowsnest Pass area of Alberta have grappled with this resilient weed that threatens crops and pastures.

ACE was tasked with eliminating the relentless weed, while maintaining positive landowner and client relations. A successful weed-control project requires firm knowledge of the weed to be controlled, along with consistent updates and clear explanations of processes with landowners and clients.

Ongoing maintenance, responsible wildlife management, and awareness of the rocky terrain helped mitigate challenges with equipment and accessibility. Utilizing a variety of herbicides, new surfactants, and new technology, we have managed to control this weed from spreading, relieving client and landowners’ Blueweed blues.